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Research Center for Textual Scholarship

Aims and Objectives

Textual scholarship is primarily concerned with developing scholarly editing based on the primary sources of texts, as well as understanding the history of the composition of texts. This academic field was traditionally divided by country and discipline but these boundaries have increasingly been questioned. One of the reasons for this is the rapid development of information technology. For instance, textual resources (e.g. manuscripts, books, etc.) are more readily available because they have been digitized. This has led to the globalization of the humanities. Under such circumstances, the debate on how textual resources should be edited is currently taking place on a pan-European scale.

The aim of this center is to comprehensively understand such academic trends of textual scholarship in the West, so as to introduce and disseminate textual scholarship in Japan. Actively engaging in international debates regarding textual scholarship, this center also aims to contribute theoretically and empirically to the reconstruction of the foundation of humanities research in the ongoing globalization and digitalization era.


What Is A Text?: An Introduction to Textual Scholarship (in Japanese)

Edited by Myojo, Kiyoko/Notomi, Noburu Keio University Press Inc. (2015)

Bibliology Volume 17

[Special Edition] An Invitation to Textual Scholarship (in Japanese) Bensei Publishing Inc. (2019)