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Facts & Figures

General Information Seijo University
Seijo 6-1-20, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 157-8511, Japan
Telephone number: +81(0)3 3482 6020
Fax number: +81(0)3 3482 6360
Email: kokusai@seijo.ac.jp
Date originally founded 1917 (Seijo elementary school)
Date of university founded 1950
Number of undergraduate
Number of undergraduate
Number of graduate schools 4
Number of research centers and institutes 6
Number of students 5,488 (Undergraduates: 5,406 Graduates: 82) (May 2021)
Number of full-time faculties 153 (May 2021)
Number of part-time lecturers 403 (May 2021)
Student male/female 2,473 / 3,015
Number of international students 41 (as of 2019)
Numbers of majors and
degree programs Seijo offers
  • 11 bachelor's degree programs
  • 10 master's degree programs
  • 10 doctoral degree programs

Breakdown of full-time teaching staff (May 2021)

Professors Associate
Lecturers Total
Faculty of Economics 28 8 1 37
Faculty of Arts and Literature 39 12 5 56
Faculty of Law 21 6 0 27
Faculty of Social Innovation 25 3 1 29
Others 2 1 1 4
Total 115 30 8 153

Student breakdown (May 2021)

Men Women Total
Undergraduate Economics 887 675 1,562
Arts & Literature 505 1,116 1,621
Law 630 512 1,142
Social Innovation 425 656 1,081
Total 2,447 2,959 5,406
Graduate Economics 8 7 15
Literature 14 40 54
Law 0 3 3
Innovation & Social Studies 4 6 10
Total 26 56 82
Grand Total 2,473 3,015 5,488