「成城 学びの森」コミュニティー?カレッジ
The History Boys is one of the most successful plays staged by the UK’s National Theatre. As well as being extremely funny and witty, it deals with serious and important themes for our times, such as the purpose of education and the urgent necessity for an awareness of history. It also has themes of personal or nostalgic interest to everyone: school experiences, growing up, and first love. Previously we have covered many genres: fiction (novels and short stories), non-fiction (essays and oral history) and poetry. Drama will be a first for us. I anticipate everyone will relish the opportunity to act out (although this is optional!) as well as read and discuss The History Boys.
Alan Bennett著 The History Boys Faber (or Farrar Straus & Giroux)
ISBN-13: 978-0571224647 1,463円程度
※テキストは各自でお買い求めいただき、講座時にご持参ください。なお、The History Boysは演劇と映画の2種類の台本があります。本講座では演劇の台本を使用しますので、ご購入の際は気をつけてお選びください。
(1) Introduction to the course, play and film; read and discuss the Introduction to the play pvii-xxvii; read, perform and discuss p3-10
(2) p10-29 : read, perform, watch film extract, and discuss
(3) p29-50 : read, perform, watch film extract, and discuss
(4) p50-69 : read, perform, watch film extract, and discuss
(5) p70-91 : read, perform, watch film extract, and discuss
(6) p91-109 : read, perform, watch film extract, concluding discussion
I love drama (both from the West and the East), go to the theatre as often as I can, and have been teaching a new course of drama in Seijo since 2016.