「成城 学びの森」コミュニティー?カレッジ
Immigration, new expectations of marriage and relationships, the problem of individuals’ increasing isolation, the choice of sexual identity, and the prejudices still lingering around racial identity and race relations - what are thoughtful writers suggesting about these complex and challenging issues? Our selected essays will give us fascinating insights into the lives of Americans confronting these issues, and in addition spur us on to discuss how equivalent issues are cropping up in Japanese society.
Jonathan Franzen 編 The Best American Essays 2016 Mariner Books(2016)
ISBN-13: 978-0544812109 1,730円程
(1) Course introduction; read and discuss first essay, Francisco Cantu’s “Bajadas”, p1
(2) Read and discuss second essay, Charles Comey’s “Against Honeymoons”, p27
(3) Read and discuss third essay, Sebastian Junger’s “The Bonds of Battle”, p85
(4) Read and discuss fourth essay, Amitava Kumar’s “Pyre”, p138
(5) Read and discuss fifth essay, Mason Stokes’s “Namesake”, p274
(6) Read and discuss sixth essay, Thomas Chatterton Williams’s “Black and Blue and Blond”, p290