「成城 学びの森」コミュニティー?カレッジ
Let's read and discuss Mohsin Hamid's thrilling modern classic "The Reluctant Fundamentalist" (2007)(邦訳『こうもりの見た夢』) in English, before the film comes to Japan later this year. (Please read two short chapters before each class.)
The book starts quietly in a Pakistani teahouse. Then we ask ourselves: who is the terrorist? Suspense builds up unbearably as a mysterious Pakistani tells his life story to an equally mysterious American as the day and atmosphere darken around them, and readers gain insight into the fractures between the Muslim and Western worlds that have been widening since 9/11.
<テキスト>Mohsin Hamid著『The Reluctant Fundamentalist』Penguin ISBN:978-0141029542 1,250円程
(1) Chapters 1 and 2:the triangular relationship between Japan, Pakistan and the USA.
(2) Chapters 3 and 4:Pakistani history and culture.
(3) Chapters 5 and 6:elite American education and finance.
(4) Chapters 7 and 8:literary techniques used in the novel.
(5) Chapters 9 and 10:themes of economics, religion, power, love and terrorism.
(6) Chapters 11 and 12:revisiting the relationship between Japan, Pakistan and the USA.
専攻 : 英文学オックスフォード大学卒業、ロンドン大学東洋アフリカ学院修士課程修了。1999年から久乐棋牌游戏で英文学、英語を教える。円地文子の文学、二言語主義(バイリンガリズム)についての論考を公刊。現在は、英語の詩や、<文学と都市>をテーマにした研究をしている。パキスタンに住んだ経験ももつ。