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  • 2024.02.21

    The Research Center for Textual Scholarship will host a Symposium “An Introduction to Comparative Textual Scholarship: Poland, Taiwan, Germany, Japan”

The Research Center for Textual Scholarship will host the symposium “An Introduction to Comparative Textual Scholarship: Poland, Taiwan, Germany, Japan”. We invite Dr. Mateusz Antoniuk (Professor at Jagiellonian University), Dr. Peng Yi (Professor at National Central University, Zhongli), and Dr. Katrin Henzel (Library staff at Kiel University), who, together with our Center’s Director, Prof. Kiyoko Myojo, will give lectures on writers such as Czes?aw Mi?osz, Lu Xun, Goethe, and Soseki Natsume, from the perspective of textual scholarship. The original language is English, with Japanese subtitles and interpretation provided (Interpreter: Dr. Soichiro Onose, Lecturer at Japan Women’s University). We look forward to your participation.

Date and Time: March 12th, 2024 (Tuesday), from 13:00 to 17:00
Venue: Room 321, Building 3, Seijo University (For access to Seijo University, click here.)
Capacity:100 participants (Pre-registration is required)
     Pre-registration will be accepted until March 10th (Sunday).

Office of the Research Center for Textual Scholarship, Seijo University
E-Mail: ts-office[at]seijo.ac.jp
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