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  • 2023.11.13

    “Posthumous Manuscripts During the Author's Lifetime” (Finished)

Seijo University’s Research Center for Textual Scholarship will host the event “Posthumous Manuscripts During the Author's Lifetime” as follows. In the first part, we will have a symposium featuring Professor Reiko Kitajima (Emeritus Professor, Sophia University), Professor Yoshiki Tajiri (The University of Tokyo), and Professor Kenichi Abe (Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo). In the second part, we will have a lecture by Mr. Durs Grünbein, a representative poet of contemporary German literature (with translation and on-site interpretation). For more details, please see the flyer.

Date and Time: December 3, 2023 (Sunday) 12:30 - 17:00
Venue: Classroom 007, Building No. 7, Seijo University.
Capacity: 100 people (advance registration is required)
Registrations are accepted until November 30 (Thursday).

Office of the Research Center for Textual Scholarship, Seijo University
E-mail: ts-office[at]seijo.ac.jp
Please replace [at] with @ when sending an email.