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The Research Center for Textual Scholarship Hosting: First workshop and symposium (finished)

The Research Center for Textual Scholarship will hold the first workshop and symposium. We will invite Professor Hiroaki Ito (Senshu University) to lecture on “Discovery and Publication of The World’s First Business Book: Renaissance Merchant and Humanist Benedetto Cotrulli.” The guest commentator will be Dr Motoaki Hara (Tokai University) and Professor Noburu Notomi (University of Tokyo). At the workshop, Professor Takashi Yahaba (Dokkyo University) will be invited to comment on the presentations of two young researchers on the basic concepts of German “Editionsphilologie” (historical-critical edition and scholarly edition).

Date and time: Saturday, June 18, 2022
Workshop 11:00-12:30
Symposium 14:00-15:30
Venue: Seijo University Building No. 9 Global Lounge
Click here for directions to Seijo University
Capacity: 50 people each (pre-registration required)

We will accept pre-registration through the following Google form until June 14 (Tuesday).
Click here for the application Google form
Please see the flier below for details
Click here for the PDF
Contact Seijo University Research Center for Textual Scholarship Secretariat
E-mail: ts-office [at] seijo.ac.jp
*Please replace [at] with @ when sending an email.