書名 | 著者/編者 | 執筆者等 | 発行年月 |
『Sayonara Nukes The Case for Abolishing Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Weapons』 | Dennis Riches | 2018年5月 | |
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Glocal Perspectives on Intangible Cultural Heritage:Local Communities, Researchers | グローカル研究センター 独立行政法人 国立文化財機構 アジア太平洋無形文化遺産研究センター(IRCI) |
Wataru Iwamoto, Tomiyuki Uesugi, Junichi Tobe, Tim Curtis, Koichiro Matsuura, Lourdes Arizpe, Hanhee Hahm, Thi Hien Nguyen, Minoru Kobayashi, Young Joon HA, Shubha Chaudhuri, Deming AN, Tomo Ishimura, Hiroyuki Shimizu, Alexandra Denes, Satoru Hyoki, Seiichi Nakajima, Janet Elizabeth Blake, V.Jayarajan, Yiqi HA, Shigeaki Kodama |
Glocal Perspectives on Intangible Cultuarl Heritage:Local Communities, Researchers, States and UNESCO, with the Special Focus on Global and National Perspectives | Tomiyuki Uesugi Mari Shiba (編) |
Aikawa-Faure, Noriko Arantes, Antonio Gejin, Chao Hahm, Hanhee, Jacobs, Marc Foster Michael |
2017年6月 |
Theories about and Strategies against Hegemonic Social Sciences | Michael Kuhn Shujiro Yazawa(編) |
Michael Kuhn, Shujiro Yazawa, Kazumi Okamoto, Leon-Marie Nkolo Ndjodo, Kwang Yeong Shin, Doris Weidemann, SujataPatel, HebeVessuri, Kumaran Rajagopal, Sang-Jin Han,Guimei Bai, Lei Tang, Young-Hee Shim, Sang-Jin Han |
2013年3月 |
From Community to Commonality:Multiple Belonging and Street Phenomena in the Era of Reflexive Modernization | Monika Salzbrunn Yasumasa Sekine(著) | 2011年3月 |