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  • 2015.04.20

    久乐棋牌游戏グローカル研究センター AJJ学会開催のおしらせ(2015/4/25--26)【終了しました】

AJJ 2015 Spring Meeting @ CGS, Seijo University

Anthropology of Japan in Japan (AJJ) invites you to attend its 2015 Spring Meeting.
Anthropology of Japan in Japan(AJJ)2015年春の大会のご案内

Saturday April 25 and Sunday April 26, 2015
at the Center for Glocal Studies (CGS), Seijo University, Tokyo

Glocalizing Japanese Studies:
Japanese Studies Inside and Outside Japan


Conference Theme:

It has already been over ten years since we entered the 21st Century, and yet one of the most essential keywords that helps us address contemporary issues today has remained “globalization.” The global movement of people, goods, information and finance is becoming increasingly rapid and expanding in scale, and its influence and effects have, for better or worse, extended into every domain in each and every one of our lives. As individuals living in a local context, we have felt that the impact of globalization is exceedingly large and have formed the impression that we are frequently at its mercy. On the other hand, there are those who disdainfully resist and challenge globalization.
However, globalization is not a matter of choice. Rather, globalization has become a prerequisite for life for many people. At the same time, however, what we must not forget is the latent possibility that what we are and how we conduct our daily lives in a local context can sometimes exert an influence upon an array of global issues. In other words, we should recognize and examine the simultaneity and reciprocity of globalization and localization. Fully taking this fact into consideration, we have to reorient and reconstruct Japanese Studies.
In the meantime, one of the objectives of AJJ is “to provide a multi-lingual conference forum to share original research and work in progress among Japanese and non-Japanese anthropologists as well as other social scientists,” and “to positively seek to collaborate and cooperate with other Japanese anthropological organizations and societies” (Article II of the AJJ Constitution). However, taking a retrospective glance at workshops and meetings of recent years, we have to say that there is still much to be done for sharing research and work, seeking collaboration and cooperation between Japanese and non-Japanese anthropologists and other like-minded socio-cultural scientists.
We are fortunate to hold the AJJ 2015 Spring Meeting at the Center for Glocal Studies (CGS) of Seijo University, one of the research centers of Japanese anthropology and folklore studies. This meeting offers a forum for Japanese, or “inside,” and non-Japanese, or “outside,” anthropologists, folklorists and other socio-cultural scientists. The meeting also promotes open discussion for re-formulating glocally-minded Japanese studies.

ところで、Anthropology of Japan in Japan(AJJ)の会則には、AJJの設立目的として、「日本人および日本人以外の人類学者や、日本文化および日本社会を主として民族誌的に研究している社会科学者を対象に、未発表の研究および現在進行中の調査を共有する目的で、多言語によるフォーラムを提供する」とともに、「本会以外の日本の人類学的組織および学会と積極的に共同?協力する道を探る」ことが謳われている。しかしながら、ここ数年の研究大会を振り返ってみると、AJJが当初の目的を達成するためにやるべきことはまだいろいろとあるように思われる。
今回、AJJの2015年春の研究大会を開催する久乐棋牌游戏グローカル研究センター(Center for Glocal Studies:CGS)は、日本の人類学と民俗学が共存する研究センターの一つとなっている。そこで、本研究大会では、日本人ないし「内側」の人類学者や民俗学者、日本研究者と、日本人以外ないし「外側」の人類学者や民俗学者、日本研究者が出会い、意見を交換するフォーラムの場を提供することを目指している。本研究大会を通して、グローバル(化)とローカル(化)の双方をともに見据えたグローカルな観点に立った日本研究に向けた議論が進むことを期待する。

AJJ (Anthropology of Japan in Japan)
2015 Spring Meeting
Host Institute: Center for Glocal Studies (CGS), Seijo University
Co-host: Institute of Folklore Studies, Seijo University Society of Living Folklore
Sponsor: Seijo University/Seijo Gakuen Academy
主 催:久乐棋牌游戏グローカル研究センター(CGS)
共 催:久乐棋牌游戏民俗学研究所
後 援:久乐棋牌游戏/久乐棋牌游戏

*AJJ 2015 Spring Meeting @ CGS, Seijo University is financially sponsored by Seijo University/Seijo Gakuen Academy and no admission fee will be required for both the meeting and the reception.