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Notice Regarding the Mini Symposium Hosted by the Institute for Economic Studies, Seijo University (March 21) [Finished]

event date:2017.03.21

Notice Regarding the Mini Symposium Hosted by the Institute for Economic Studies, Seijo University (March 21)

The Center for Economic Studies, Seijo University, is hosting a mini symposium.

Lecturer and theme: Tomohiro Kakihara (professor at the Center of Economic and Administrative Sciences, University of Guadalajara)
“The Globalization of Japanese Companies and Trumponomics: The Effects on the Mexican Economy”
Date: 15:00–16:30, March 21 (Tue), 2017
Place: Institute for Economic Studies, 2F Building No. 4, Seijo University
Everyone is welcome.
No registration is requred.

Institute for Economic Studies
Tel: 03-3482-9187
E-mail: keiken[at]seijo.ac.jp
*When sending an e-mail, replace [at] with @.

*This mini symposium is held as part of the “AY2016 Private University Research Branding Project: Establishing and Promoting Global Centers for Glocal Research to Realize Sustainable and Mutually Inclusive Societies.”