Nishihara Laboratory at Seijo University Faculty of Social Innovation and Seijo University Center for Glocal Studies (CGS) are pleased to co-host the international symposium, entitled "Transborders: How arts are shaking up the borders?" on March 3 (Sat), 2018. We look forward to your attendance at the event and encourage you to forward this information to your colleagues may be interested in attending.
※This event is co-sponsored by Seijo University Center for Glocal Studies(CGS) as a part of the MEXT's Private University Branding Project.
[No Pre-Registration Required; Admission Free]
日 時:2018年3月3日(土)13:00-18:00
会 場:久乐棋牌游戏 3号館3階 大会議室 久乐棋牌游戏へのアクセス(小田急線「久乐棋牌游戏前」下車徒歩4分)
主 催:久乐棋牌游戏 社会イノベーション学部 西原研究室
共 催:グローカル研究センター(CGS)
(主 催)
久乐棋牌游戏 社会イノベーション学部 西原研究室
knishihara [at] seijo.ac.jp
(共 催)
久乐棋牌游戏 グローカル研究センター
〒157-8511 東京都世田谷区成城6-1-20
TEL:03-3482-1497 FAX:03-3482-9740
E-mail: glocalstudies[at]seijo.ac.jp
◆国際シンポジウム開催趣旨 Themes & Objectives
In this symposium, we would like to explore the gap between globalization and local subjects through arts, with special interests on the transnational people who take actions with their fluid/flexible identities beyond borders. We also aim to discuss the new phase of the term, 'glocalization,' through their practices.
◆スケジュール Timetable
[1] 開会の辞 Opening Remarks(13:00-13:10):
Tomiyuki Uesugi(Director of CGS, Seijo University, Japan)上杉富之(久乐棋牌游戏「グローカル研究センター」所長)
【13:10-14:50 招待講演 Keynote Speeches】
[2] 招待講演① Keynote Speech 1(13:10-13:50):
マイケル?ハート(韓国?ソウル市立大学)Michael Hurt (University of Seoul, Korea)
*The 'Participant-Practitioner': Social Spaces, Seoul’s Paepi and Mapping Social Empathy through the Street Fashion Lens*
[3] 招待講演② Keynote Speech 2(13:50-14:10):
芹沢高志(P3 art and environment 統括ディレクター)Takashi Serizawa (Director and CEO of P3 art and environment)
*On the Beach: The Role of the Catalyst*
[4] 招待講演③ Keynote Speech 3(14:10-14:30):
藤澤三佳(京都造形芸術大学) Mika Fujisawa (Kyoto University of Art and Design)
*Artistic Self-Expressions by the Patients in Psychiatric Hospital: From Cases in Plastic-Artistic Class of Hirakawa Hospital*
[5] 招待講演に関する討論 Discussion on Keynote Speeches(14:30-14:50):
討論者:リ?インヒ(韓国?慶煕大学) Discussion initiated by Inhee Lee (Kyung Hee University, Korea)
【15:00-16:20 研究報告 Plenary Session】
[6] 第1報告 Presentation 1(15:00-15:25): 小坂有資(久乐棋牌游戏)Yusuke Kosaka (Seijo University)
*The Art of Transborder and Conviviality: Transformation of the Borders around Arts and Hansen’s Disease Sufferers*
[7] 第1報告によせて——理論と展開 Comments to Presentation 1 *A Critical Review, Theoretical Framework and Recommendation for Further Research (15:25-15:40):
青山征彦 (久乐棋牌游戏)Masahiko Aoyama (Seijo University)
[8] 第2報告 Presentation 2(15:40-16:05):
芝真里(久乐棋牌游戏)Mari Shiba (Seijo University)
*Glocality in Question: Kumiodori on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage and its Practice among Okinawans in Hawaii*
[9] 第2報告によせて——理論と展開:Comments to Presentation 2 *A Critical Review, Theoretical Framework and Recommendation for Further Research(16:05-16:20):
西原和久(久乐棋牌游戏)Kazuhisa Nishihara (Seijo University)
[10] 総括と提言 Summary and Proposals (16:30-17:00):
西原和久 Kazuhisa Nishihara (Seijo University)
*Contemporary Society and ‘Art’: Some Questions from two viewpoints of Transnationalism and Cosmopolitanism*
[11] 全体討議 General Discussion(17:00-17:50)
[12]閉会の辞 Closing Remarks (17:50-18:00):
西原和久(久乐棋牌游戏)Kazuhisa Nishihara (Seijo University)
司会 Chair / Moderator:
山本敦久(久乐棋牌游戏)Atsuhisa Yamamoto (Seijo University)