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卒    論    題    目  担当教員名
Enhancing Writing Proficiency with Chat GPT: A Personalized Approach to English Education 井上 逸兵(水澤)
Reasoning in Discourse: A Comparative Study of Japanese and English Dubbed Versions of Studio Ghibli’s Ponyo 井上 逸兵(水澤)
A Lexical Analysis of Corporate Mission Statements in American, British and Japanese Banks 井上 逸兵(水澤)
Power and Ideology in the American Sports Community: A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Movie 42 井上 逸兵(水澤)
Socio-Pragmatic Markers in the New Testament of Hawaii Pidgin English: A Discourse Approach to Rhetorical Text 井上 逸兵(水澤)
Re-examining EMI in the Outer and Expanding Circles of World Englishes: Case Studies of Singapore and South Korea 井上 逸兵(水澤)
Discourse and Lexical Semantics of Feed Posting on 久乐棋牌游戏: A Comparative Study of the USA, UK and India 井上 逸兵(水澤)
Contextualized English Vocabulary Learning of Japanese Students 井上 逸兵(水澤)
Exploring Japanese English as a Resource for Vocabulary Building in English 井上 逸兵(水澤)
Discourse Analysis of Positive Minimal Response of English: In Japanese Educational Contexts 井上 逸兵(水澤)
A Corpus-Based Study on the Use of Sensory Verbs 井上 徹
An Analysis of Phrasal Verbs in the Lists of English Idioms Based on the Core-Meaning of Verbs and Combining Particles 井上 徹
A Corpus-Based Study of the Use of Stative Verbs in the Progressive Form 井上 徹
On the Phonological and Morphological Characteristics of English Onomatopoeic Words in Children’s Picture Books 井上 徹
物語文中における「歴史的現在」の日英語間の使用頻度の比較 井上 徹
An Analysis of Subordinating Conjunctions of Cause and Reason in Japanese EFL Learners’ Essays 井上 徹
The Social Significance of Never Let Me Go: Homosocial Relationship and Discrimination 木下 誠
The Effect of Fear in The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock 木下 誠
Ethical Issues and the Significance of AI’s Existence in Machines Like Me 木下 誠
An Ideal Education and Teacher in Jane Eyre: The Heroine as a Student and a Governess 木下 誠
The Surveillance Society in 1984 and Its Impact on the Real World 木下 誠
Sisterhood in Little Women: From the Original Novel to Its Film Adaptation 木下 誠
Fashion Designer Mary Quant: Pioneer of the Future Generations 木下 誠
The Significance of David Bowie Portraying Something Other Than Himself 木下 誠
Female Homosociality in Ford Madox Ford’s Some Do Not... 木下 誠
How Did Elizabeth Ⅱ Get Over the Criticism from the Public?: The British Royal Family and the Media 木下 誠
Why Is Enola Holmes an Entertainment Feminist Film?: Romantic Elements and Girls Empowerment 木下 誠
The Feminism of Harry Potter: Hermione as a New Image of Woman 木下 誠
The Causes of Japanese Lagging of Understanding and Acceptance of LGBTQ 鶴見 良次
Horror and Character: Globalization and Localization at Tokyo Disney Resort 鶴見 良次
The Corona Pandemic and Discrimination against Asians 鶴見 良次
The Success of Disney’s Frozen and Social Media 鶴見 良次
Hermione Granger as a New Feminist: Original The Harry Potter Series and its Cinematization 鶴見 良次
Religious and Social Attitudes towards Abortion in the United States 鶴見 良次
Tipping and Omotenashi: A Comparative Study of Hospitality in the U.S. and Japan 鶴見 良次
The Suicide Rates and Culture in Spain and the U.S. 鶴見 良次
Disney as Family Entertainment: A Comparative Study of Disney Parks in Japan and America 鶴見 良次
“Who Will I Be?": A Study of Modern Live-Action Films of Lewis Carroll’s Two Alice Stories 鶴見 良次
A Study of Gatsby: Focused on His American Dream 林 南乃加
“I Prefer Not to”: Bartleby Closed in Wall Street 林 南乃加
Amasa Delano’s Consciousness as a White and the Issue of Slavery in “Benito Cereno” 林 南乃加
The Transition of The Little Mermaid : The Image of Ariel from a White to a Black Character 林 南乃加
The Duality of Innocence and Phoniness: Holden Caulfield’s View of Childhood and Adulthood 林 南乃加
The Issue of Black Slavery in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: From the Perspective of the Conversation between Huck and Jim 林 南乃加
An Analysis of Laura: In Relation to the Wingfield Family 林 南乃加
A Study of Representations of Women in The Awakening Focused on the Image of Edna 林 南乃加
Brett Ashley‘s Life as a Woman in The Sun Also Rises 林 南乃加
Race, Class, and Marriage in Kate Chopin’s Short Stories 松川 祐子
How “Don’t Look Back in Anger” Became an Anthem for Mancunians 松川 祐子
The Evolution of Villains in Disney’s Princess Films from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) to Moana (2016) 松川 祐子
Vogue’s Pursuit of Diversity : Problems and Subsequent Initiatives 松川 祐子
The Keys to Jackie Robinson’s Success in the Major Leagues: Branch Rickey and Wendell Smith 松川 祐子
Shug’s Impact on Celie in The Color Purple 松川 祐子
Pearl as a Messenger of Hope in The Scarlet Letter 松川 祐子
From Imitating to Becoming Herself: Bernice's Transformation in “Bernice Bobs Her Hair” 松川 祐子
Unconscious Conflicts in Nella Larsen’s Passing 松川 祐子
Ponyboy’s Road to Maturity in The Outsiders 松川 祐子
The Function of the Garden for Tom’s Growth in Tom’s Midnight Garden 松田 美作子
The Close Relationship between Astrology and Fate in Romeo and Juliet 松田 美作子
A Study of Gertrude’s Awakening of Conscience in Hamlet 松田 美作子
A Study of Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Focusing on Four Significant Trials 松田 美作子
Carroll’s View of Girlhood in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 松田 美作子
A Comparative Study of Snow White: Grimm’s Version and Disney’s Film 松田 美作子
A Study of the Elizabethan View of Make-up: Forcusing on Some Portraits of Elizabeth Ⅰand the Contemporary Literature 松田 美作子
Shakespeare's Distinctive View of the Jew in The Merchant of Venice 松田 美作子
The Mental Growth of Christine in Musical Versions of The Phantom of the Opera 松田 美作子
The Function of the Play within a Play in Hamlet 松田 美作子
Wilde’s Ideas of Dandyism in An Ideal Husband 松田 美作子
The Fragility of Equality in Animal Farm 吉田 直希
Rationalism or Sentimentalism?: The Comparison between the First Draft and the Revised One of Caleb Williams 吉田 直希
Nekayah’s Quest for Happiness in The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia 吉田 直希
Gothic Aspects Hidden in Wuthering Heights 吉田 直希
The Significance of Children in A Christmas Carol 吉田 直希
The Significance of Physical Feelings in Silas Marner 吉田 直希
Moll’s Innocence and Experience in A Harlot’s Progress 吉田 直希
Nature’s Metaphors: Analyzing Bird Imagery and Symbolism in Jane Eyre 吉田 直希
The Significance of Objective Observation for Subjective Affection in Persuasion 吉田 直希


卒    論    題    目  担当教員名
接尾辞 -able の意味の拡張について 井上 徹
An Analysis of the Comparison of Apology Strategies Between American English and Japanese  井上 徹
A Study of Recent Linguistic Changes in the Received Pronunciation of British English 井上 徹
A Study of Speech Recognition of English /l/ and /r/ for Japanese Adults 井上 徹
On Improving Listening Skills Using the Effect of Pupil Dilation 井上 徹
On the Pragmatic Features of Imperatives in English 井上 徹
The Women on the Home Front: Siegfried Sassoon, Rebecca West and the Gender Issues in the First World War 木下 誠
Love and Everyday Life after 9/11: Terror, Family Affair and Social Security in Ian McEwan’s Saturday 木下 誠
The Form of Inclusive Education We Should Aim for 木下 誠
Holidays at Home with the Punch and Judy Show: The Railway Regulation Act, Seaside Resorts and Bartholomew Fair 木下 誠
Orlando’s Two Kinds of Transgressive Creativity: Sexual Fluidity and Women’s Writing in Virginia Woolf’s Orlando 木下 誠
Virginia Woolf’s Feminism: Anti-war for Individual Independence 木下 誠
The Effect of Excessive Sensibility in Pride and Prejudice 木下 誠
Invisible Powers: A Critical Study of the Strategies for Controlling People 鶴見 良次
A Comparative Study of the Policy and People's Expectations for Elementary English Education in Japan and Korea 鶴見 良次
The True Animal Welfare: A Comparative Study of the Governmental Policies and the Social Movements in Japan and the UK 鶴見 良次
Zootopia or Multi-Ethnic Utopia?: Disney and Racial Diversity and Discrimination in the American Society 鶴見 良次
Immigrants and Indigenous People: Discrimination and Prejudice Caused by Ethnic Difference in New Zealand and the U.S. 鶴見 良次
The Racial Discrimination Issues in the National Football League and the Role of the Organization in the Solution 鶴見 良次
Delayed Marriage and Its Impact on Japanese and American Societies 鶴見 良次
The Popularity of the Cockney Accent and the Influence of Celebrities on It 鶴見 良次
The International De-Corset Movements: Women’s Freedom and Diversity in Fashion in the 19th Century and Beyond 鶴見 良次
SNS Communication and Idols: A Comparative Study of Popstar Promotion in Korea and Japan 鶴見 良次
What Is a Woman's View of Life?: A Comparative Study of Heroines in Korean and American Romantic Comedies in 2002 and the 2020s. 鶴見 良次
Scarlet O’Hara as a Strong Character in Gone with the Wind:In Relation to Her Irish Background 林 南乃加
A Study of Tom among Adults and Children in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 林 南乃加
A Study of Black Representation in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 林 南乃加
Atonement and Harmony in Hot Summer Winds 松川 祐子
Understanding the Shinto Elements in Princess Mononoke: Comparing Japanese and Western Perspectives 松川 祐子
Toni Morrison and Song of Solomon’s Impact on President Obama 松川 祐子
Sound Effects, Horror, and Mental Illness in David Lynch’s Eraserhead 松川 祐子
Race, Gender, and Family Diversity in Newbery Medal Books, 2000-2020 松川 祐子
Briony’s Self-justification in Ian McEwan’s Atonement 松川 祐子
“Life is like a box of chocolates”: Forrest Gump’s Complicated Politics 松川 祐子
The Gift of Mutual Trust: Ged, Tenar and Lebannen’s Growth in the Earthsea Trilogy 松川 祐子
Zootopia as an Illustration of the Problems of Discrimination in Contemporary American Society 松川 祐子
The Secrets to the Popularity of High School Musical 松川 祐子
The Role of Narration in The Shawshank Redemption 松川 祐子
Race and Ethnicity in Representations of Naomi Osaka 松川 祐子
Allegory of Major Portraits of Elizabeth I: Their Cross Relation to the Contemporary Literature 松田 美作子
J.M. Barrie's Idea of Desirable Motherhood in Peter and Wendy 松田 美作子
The Garden as a Metaphor for Mary’s Growth in The Secret Garden 松田 美作子
Allegorical Meanings of Flowers and Herbs in Romeo and Juliet:Their Relation to the Theme of Love and Death 松田 美作子
The Close Relationship between Montgomery’s Life and the Birth of Family in Anne of Green Gables 松田 美作子
Anfield as a Theatre: A Study of English Football 松田 美作子
Iago’s Treacherous Tricks in Othello 松田 美作子
A Study of the King Arthur Legend: The Comparison between Malory’s Le Morte d'Arthur and Disney’s The Sword in the Stone 松田 美作子
Mary Shelley’s Self-Criticism and Her Critical View toward Her Father in Frankenstein 松田 美作子
The Significant Meanings of Mirrors in the Harry Potter Series: Volumes 1, 4 and 7 松田 美作子
Representations of the 9.11 Attack in News Coverage of Al Jazeera 水澤 祐美子
A Study of Gay Discourse 水澤 祐美子
A Comparison of Japanese and English News Coverages: The Assassination of Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe 水澤 祐美子
Cultural and Linguistic Differences of Impressions on Doraemon in America and Japan 水澤 祐美子
Linguistic Differences Reflected in BBC and FOX Digital News: The Assassination of Japan’s Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe 水澤 祐美子
A Semiotic Analysis of Lexus Sales Promotion Videos 水澤 祐美子
Chronological Changes of Gender Role in IKEA’s Advertisements 水澤 祐美子
A Multimodal Analysis of Animated and Live Action Films of The Little Mermaid 水澤 祐美子
Cultural Contrasts of Aviation Safety Videos in Australians and Japanese Airline Companies 水澤 祐美子
A Study of Linguistic Differences between English and Japanese in Frog and Toad Are Friends 水澤 祐美子
Athlete Activism on Racial Discrimination: A Case Study of Naomi Osaka 水澤 祐美子
The Representations of Garden in Oscar Wilde’s Short Stories 吉田 直希
The Beggar’s Opera’s Untenable Ending? 吉田 直希
How Was British Tea Culture Born? 吉田 直希
Unfolding the Umbrella: The Umbrella and the Fluctuated Class Representation in Persuasion 吉田 直希
A Change of Human Nature in Gulliver’s Travels through the Satire of Houyhnhnms 吉田 直希
John Gay's Representation of Crime and Corruption of the Eighteenth-Century London in The Beggar's Opera 吉田 直希
The Light and Dark Sides of the Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee in Punch or the London Charivari 吉田 直希
Light and Darkness in William Hogarth’s Beer Street and Gin Lane 吉田 直希
John Gay’s Approach Towards Englishness in the Music of The Beggar’s Opera 吉田 直希
Alice Comedies as a History Lesson Reflecting American Tragedy in the 1920s 吉田 直希
John Gay’s Literary Freedom: From The Beggar’s Opera to Pleasure Garden 吉田 直希

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