卒 論 題 目 | 担当教員名 |
Enhancing Writing Proficiency with Chat GPT: A Personalized Approach to English Education | 井上 逸兵(水澤) |
Reasoning in Discourse: A Comparative Study of Japanese and English Dubbed Versions of Studio Ghibli’s Ponyo | 井上 逸兵(水澤) |
A Lexical Analysis of Corporate Mission Statements in American, British and Japanese Banks | 井上 逸兵(水澤) |
Power and Ideology in the American Sports Community: A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Movie 42 | 井上 逸兵(水澤) |
Socio-Pragmatic Markers in the New Testament of Hawaii Pidgin English: A Discourse Approach to Rhetorical Text | 井上 逸兵(水澤) |
Re-examining EMI in the Outer and Expanding Circles of World Englishes: Case Studies of Singapore and South Korea | 井上 逸兵(水澤) |
Discourse and Lexical Semantics of Feed Posting on 久乐棋牌游戏: A Comparative Study of the USA, UK and India | 井上 逸兵(水澤) |
Contextualized English Vocabulary Learning of Japanese Students | 井上 逸兵(水澤) |
Exploring Japanese English as a Resource for Vocabulary Building in English | 井上 逸兵(水澤) |
Discourse Analysis of Positive Minimal Response of English: In Japanese Educational Contexts | 井上 逸兵(水澤) |
A Corpus-Based Study on the Use of Sensory Verbs | 井上 徹 |
An Analysis of Phrasal Verbs in the Lists of English Idioms Based on the Core-Meaning of Verbs and Combining Particles | 井上 徹 |
A Corpus-Based Study of the Use of Stative Verbs in the Progressive Form | 井上 徹 |
On the Phonological and Morphological Characteristics of English Onomatopoeic Words in Children’s Picture Books | 井上 徹 |
物語文中における「歴史的現在」の日英語間の使用頻度の比較 | 井上 徹 |
An Analysis of Subordinating Conjunctions of Cause and Reason in Japanese EFL Learners’ Essays | 井上 徹 |
The Social Significance of Never Let Me Go: Homosocial Relationship and Discrimination | 木下 誠 |
The Effect of Fear in The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock | 木下 誠 |
Ethical Issues and the Significance of AI’s Existence in Machines Like Me | 木下 誠 |
An Ideal Education and Teacher in Jane Eyre: The Heroine as a Student and a Governess | 木下 誠 |
The Surveillance Society in 1984 and Its Impact on the Real World | 木下 誠 |
Sisterhood in Little Women: From the Original Novel to Its Film Adaptation | 木下 誠 |
Fashion Designer Mary Quant: Pioneer of the Future Generations | 木下 誠 |
The Significance of David Bowie Portraying Something Other Than Himself | 木下 誠 |
Female Homosociality in Ford Madox Ford’s Some Do Not... | 木下 誠 |
How Did Elizabeth Ⅱ Get Over the Criticism from the Public?: The British Royal Family and the Media | 木下 誠 |
Why Is Enola Holmes an Entertainment Feminist Film?: Romantic Elements and Girls Empowerment | 木下 誠 |
The Feminism of Harry Potter: Hermione as a New Image of Woman | 木下 誠 |
The Causes of Japanese Lagging of Understanding and Acceptance of LGBTQ | 鶴見 良次 |
Horror and Character: Globalization and Localization at Tokyo Disney Resort | 鶴見 良次 |
The Corona Pandemic and Discrimination against Asians | 鶴見 良次 |
The Success of Disney’s Frozen and Social Media | 鶴見 良次 |
Hermione Granger as a New Feminist: Original The Harry Potter Series and its Cinematization | 鶴見 良次 |
Religious and Social Attitudes towards Abortion in the United States | 鶴見 良次 |
Tipping and Omotenashi: A Comparative Study of Hospitality in the U.S. and Japan | 鶴見 良次 |
The Suicide Rates and Culture in Spain and the U.S. | 鶴見 良次 |
Disney as Family Entertainment: A Comparative Study of Disney Parks in Japan and America | 鶴見 良次 |
“Who Will I Be?": A Study of Modern Live-Action Films of Lewis Carroll’s Two Alice Stories | 鶴見 良次 |
A Study of Gatsby: Focused on His American Dream | 林 南乃加 |
“I Prefer Not to”: Bartleby Closed in Wall Street | 林 南乃加 |
Amasa Delano’s Consciousness as a White and the Issue of Slavery in “Benito Cereno” | 林 南乃加 |
The Transition of The Little Mermaid : The Image of Ariel from a White to a Black Character | 林 南乃加 |
The Duality of Innocence and Phoniness: Holden Caulfield’s View of Childhood and Adulthood | 林 南乃加 |
The Issue of Black Slavery in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: From the Perspective of the Conversation between Huck and Jim | 林 南乃加 |
An Analysis of Laura: In Relation to the Wingfield Family | 林 南乃加 |
A Study of Representations of Women in The Awakening Focused on the Image of Edna | 林 南乃加 |
Brett Ashley‘s Life as a Woman in The Sun Also Rises | 林 南乃加 |
Race, Class, and Marriage in Kate Chopin’s Short Stories | 松川 祐子 |
How “Don’t Look Back in Anger” Became an Anthem for Mancunians | 松川 祐子 |
The Evolution of Villains in Disney’s Princess Films from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) to Moana (2016) | 松川 祐子 |
Vogue’s Pursuit of Diversity : Problems and Subsequent Initiatives | 松川 祐子 |
The Keys to Jackie Robinson’s Success in the Major Leagues: Branch Rickey and Wendell Smith | 松川 祐子 |
Shug’s Impact on Celie in The Color Purple | 松川 祐子 |
Pearl as a Messenger of Hope in The Scarlet Letter | 松川 祐子 |
From Imitating to Becoming Herself: Bernice's Transformation in “Bernice Bobs Her Hair” | 松川 祐子 |
Unconscious Conflicts in Nella Larsen’s Passing | 松川 祐子 |
Ponyboy’s Road to Maturity in The Outsiders | 松川 祐子 |
The Function of the Garden for Tom’s Growth in Tom’s Midnight Garden | 松田 美作子 |
The Close Relationship between Astrology and Fate in Romeo and Juliet | 松田 美作子 |
A Study of Gertrude’s Awakening of Conscience in Hamlet | 松田 美作子 |
A Study of Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Focusing on Four Significant Trials | 松田 美作子 |
Carroll’s View of Girlhood in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland | 松田 美作子 |
A Comparative Study of Snow White: Grimm’s Version and Disney’s Film | 松田 美作子 |
A Study of the Elizabethan View of Make-up: Forcusing on Some Portraits of Elizabeth Ⅰand the Contemporary Literature | 松田 美作子 |
Shakespeare's Distinctive View of the Jew in The Merchant of Venice | 松田 美作子 |
The Mental Growth of Christine in Musical Versions of The Phantom of the Opera | 松田 美作子 |
The Function of the Play within a Play in Hamlet | 松田 美作子 |
Wilde’s Ideas of Dandyism in An Ideal Husband | 松田 美作子 |
The Fragility of Equality in Animal Farm | 吉田 直希 |
Rationalism or Sentimentalism?: The Comparison between the First Draft and the Revised One of Caleb Williams | 吉田 直希 |
Nekayah’s Quest for Happiness in The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia | 吉田 直希 |
Gothic Aspects Hidden in Wuthering Heights | 吉田 直希 |
The Significance of Children in A Christmas Carol | 吉田 直希 |
The Significance of Physical Feelings in Silas Marner | 吉田 直希 |
Moll’s Innocence and Experience in A Harlot’s Progress | 吉田 直希 |
Nature’s Metaphors: Analyzing Bird Imagery and Symbolism in Jane Eyre | 吉田 直希 |
The Significance of Objective Observation for Subjective Affection in Persuasion | 吉田 直希 |
卒 論 題 目 | 担当教員名 |
接尾辞 -able の意味の拡張について | 井上 徹 |
An Analysis of the Comparison of Apology Strategies Between American English and Japanese | 井上 徹 |
A Study of Recent Linguistic Changes in the Received Pronunciation of British English | 井上 徹 |
A Study of Speech Recognition of English /l/ and /r/ for Japanese Adults | 井上 徹 |
On Improving Listening Skills Using the Effect of Pupil Dilation | 井上 徹 |
On the Pragmatic Features of Imperatives in English | 井上 徹 |
The Women on the Home Front: Siegfried Sassoon, Rebecca West and the Gender Issues in the First World War | 木下 誠 |
Love and Everyday Life after 9/11: Terror, Family Affair and Social Security in Ian McEwan’s Saturday | 木下 誠 |
The Form of Inclusive Education We Should Aim for | 木下 誠 |
Holidays at Home with the Punch and Judy Show: The Railway Regulation Act, Seaside Resorts and Bartholomew Fair | 木下 誠 |
Orlando’s Two Kinds of Transgressive Creativity: Sexual Fluidity and Women’s Writing in Virginia Woolf’s Orlando | 木下 誠 |
Virginia Woolf’s Feminism: Anti-war for Individual Independence | 木下 誠 |
The Effect of Excessive Sensibility in Pride and Prejudice | 木下 誠 |
Invisible Powers: A Critical Study of the Strategies for Controlling People | 鶴見 良次 |
A Comparative Study of the Policy and People's Expectations for Elementary English Education in Japan and Korea | 鶴見 良次 |
The True Animal Welfare: A Comparative Study of the Governmental Policies and the Social Movements in Japan and the UK | 鶴見 良次 |
Zootopia or Multi-Ethnic Utopia?: Disney and Racial Diversity and Discrimination in the American Society | 鶴見 良次 |
Immigrants and Indigenous People: Discrimination and Prejudice Caused by Ethnic Difference in New Zealand and the U.S. | 鶴見 良次 |
The Racial Discrimination Issues in the National Football League and the Role of the Organization in the Solution | 鶴見 良次 |
Delayed Marriage and Its Impact on Japanese and American Societies | 鶴見 良次 |
The Popularity of the Cockney Accent and the Influence of Celebrities on It | 鶴見 良次 |
The International De-Corset Movements: Women’s Freedom and Diversity in Fashion in the 19th Century and Beyond | 鶴見 良次 |
SNS Communication and Idols: A Comparative Study of Popstar Promotion in Korea and Japan | 鶴見 良次 |
What Is a Woman's View of Life?: A Comparative Study of Heroines in Korean and American Romantic Comedies in 2002 and the 2020s. | 鶴見 良次 |
Scarlet O’Hara as a Strong Character in Gone with the Wind:In Relation to Her Irish Background | 林 南乃加 |
A Study of Tom among Adults and Children in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer | 林 南乃加 |
A Study of Black Representation in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn | 林 南乃加 |
Atonement and Harmony in Hot Summer Winds | 松川 祐子 |
Understanding the Shinto Elements in Princess Mononoke: Comparing Japanese and Western Perspectives | 松川 祐子 |
Toni Morrison and Song of Solomon’s Impact on President Obama | 松川 祐子 |
Sound Effects, Horror, and Mental Illness in David Lynch’s Eraserhead | 松川 祐子 |
Race, Gender, and Family Diversity in Newbery Medal Books, 2000-2020 | 松川 祐子 |
Briony’s Self-justification in Ian McEwan’s Atonement | 松川 祐子 |
“Life is like a box of chocolates”: Forrest Gump’s Complicated Politics | 松川 祐子 |
The Gift of Mutual Trust: Ged, Tenar and Lebannen’s Growth in the Earthsea Trilogy | 松川 祐子 |
Zootopia as an Illustration of the Problems of Discrimination in Contemporary American Society | 松川 祐子 |
The Secrets to the Popularity of High School Musical | 松川 祐子 |
The Role of Narration in The Shawshank Redemption | 松川 祐子 |
Race and Ethnicity in Representations of Naomi Osaka | 松川 祐子 |
Allegory of Major Portraits of Elizabeth I: Their Cross Relation to the Contemporary Literature | 松田 美作子 |
J.M. Barrie's Idea of Desirable Motherhood in Peter and Wendy | 松田 美作子 |
The Garden as a Metaphor for Mary’s Growth in The Secret Garden | 松田 美作子 |
Allegorical Meanings of Flowers and Herbs in Romeo and Juliet:Their Relation to the Theme of Love and Death | 松田 美作子 |
The Close Relationship between Montgomery’s Life and the Birth of Family in Anne of Green Gables | 松田 美作子 |
Anfield as a Theatre: A Study of English Football | 松田 美作子 |
Iago’s Treacherous Tricks in Othello | 松田 美作子 |
A Study of the King Arthur Legend: The Comparison between Malory’s Le Morte d'Arthur and Disney’s The Sword in the Stone | 松田 美作子 |
Mary Shelley’s Self-Criticism and Her Critical View toward Her Father in Frankenstein | 松田 美作子 |
The Significant Meanings of Mirrors in the Harry Potter Series: Volumes 1, 4 and 7 | 松田 美作子 |
Representations of the 9.11 Attack in News Coverage of Al Jazeera | 水澤 祐美子 |
A Study of Gay Discourse | 水澤 祐美子 |
A Comparison of Japanese and English News Coverages: The Assassination of Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe | 水澤 祐美子 |
Cultural and Linguistic Differences of Impressions on Doraemon in America and Japan | 水澤 祐美子 |
Linguistic Differences Reflected in BBC and FOX Digital News: The Assassination of Japan’s Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe | 水澤 祐美子 |
A Semiotic Analysis of Lexus Sales Promotion Videos | 水澤 祐美子 |
Chronological Changes of Gender Role in IKEA’s Advertisements | 水澤 祐美子 |
A Multimodal Analysis of Animated and Live Action Films of The Little Mermaid | 水澤 祐美子 |
Cultural Contrasts of Aviation Safety Videos in Australians and Japanese Airline Companies | 水澤 祐美子 |
A Study of Linguistic Differences between English and Japanese in Frog and Toad Are Friends | |
Athlete Activism on Racial Discrimination: A Case Study of Naomi Osaka | 水澤 祐美子 |
The Representations of Garden in Oscar Wilde’s Short Stories | 吉田 直希 |
The Beggar’s Opera’s Untenable Ending? | 吉田 直希 |
How Was British Tea Culture Born? | 吉田 直希 |
Unfolding the Umbrella: The Umbrella and the Fluctuated Class Representation in Persuasion | 吉田 直希 |
A Change of Human Nature in Gulliver’s Travels through the Satire of Houyhnhnms | 吉田 直希 |
John Gay's Representation of Crime and Corruption of the Eighteenth-Century London in The Beggar's Opera | 吉田 直希 |
The Light and Dark Sides of the Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee in Punch or the London Charivari | 吉田 直希 |
Light and Darkness in William Hogarth’s Beer Street and Gin Lane | 吉田 直希 |
John Gay’s Approach Towards Englishness in the Music of The Beggar’s Opera | 吉田 直希 |
Alice Comedies as a History Lesson Reflecting American Tragedy in the 1920s | 吉田 直希 |
John Gay’s Literary Freedom: From The Beggar’s Opera to Pleasure Garden | 吉田 直希 |