東京外国語大学大学院地域文化研究科 博士前期課程修了 修士(国際学)
カリフォルニア大学バークレー校大学院歴史学科 Ph. D. Candidate
?“Childcare Services for Self-Supporting Mothers: Child-Protection Work in Japan in the Early Twentieth Century,”『防衛医科大学校進学課程研究紀要』第39号(2016年), 81-93.
?“Opposition to Public Outdoor Relief in the Nineteenth Century United States and Commitment to Child Welfare Reform,” 『津田塾大学言語文化研究所報』第30号(2015年), 21-32.
?“Opposition to Public Assistance to Able-Bodied Adults, Public Role of Motherhood and Child Welfare Policy in Pre-World War II Japan vs. the United States,” The Tsuda Review, 58 (November 2013), 95-111.
?“Life Adjustment, Women’s Science, and Training for Low-Paid Jobs: Goals of Home Economics Education in Secondary Schools from 1950 to 1972,” Nanzan Review of American Studies, 28 (2006), 43-62.